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Strona: [1]
Wersja: Heroes V - Dzikie Hordy
Wielkość: L - Duza
Podziemia: Tak
Ilość graczy: wszystkich: 8 w tym jako ludzie: 8
Sojusze: 0
Język:   Angielski
Autor: kaus
Rozmiar pliku: 1600.28 KB
Dodano: 08.02.2012 roku Pobrano: 4163 razy Zgłoś niedziałający link
Opis: Centuries ago a mighty army and its captain engaged to a fantastic journey chasing fame and fortune...but instead, they found a painful death. The legend tells that the supreme commander of the army had been buried with many of his loyal gladiators in a near mausoleum...
Those days, some explorations suggested that maybe something of the past could still be present. This is why many factions established there recently in order to recover the glory and the treasures in the days of old and raise to the power...again.
Strony: [1]